
The Lasting Impact of Covid-19 on the Property Market.


The Lasting Impact of Covid-19 on the Property Market.


The Covid-19 pandemic has brought unprecedented change to the lives of everyone across the globe. From spending the best part of 18 months indoors, to restricted socialising and a general limited way of living, the pandemic has impacted us in extreme and various ways. In amongst the disastrous outcome of the pandemic (countless deaths, border closure, economic turmoil and political upheaval), there has been crisis on a smaller yet unimaginable scale.  The significant loss throughout financial markets occurred due to lows in consumer sentiment, and due to the stay-at-home restrictions, business closures and financial hardship, the property market began to suffer.

DIY Lowell Is Looking For A Few Great People For Their 2021 Street Team!


DIY Lowell is looking for a few great people for our 2021 street team! This is perfect for older/experienced high school students, college students, or adults. We thought you might know a person who would be a good fit.

Every year, we assemble a street team to spread the word about DIY Lowell and gather the community's ideas for small-scale projects and events. This is the perfect position for someone who wants to get out in the community, meet new people, and pick up a few extra hours. The position lasts two months, starting August 2, 2021.

Primary responsibilities include using social media, tabling at events, flyering, and speaking to small groups. Second language skills are a huge plus.  Please see the job description attached.


21 Day Reset Program With Dawn McGee, Nutrition Evangelist


I'm super excited about a new partnership that I entered into this month. We just kicked off a pilot of a 21-day Reset program that I'll launch in August. This Reset focuses on increasing energy, reducing inflammation, sleeping better, and feeding our bodies better. As part of this partnership, I've been introduced to a delicious collagen product - the first one I've tasted that I actually like - to help promote healthier joints, skin and muscles! And a clean energy shot - and tasty too - peach mango or raspberry grapefruit. If this is something you've been looking for, please take a look - - and ask me any questions!

Wednesdays With Wanda Podcast - Provoking Courage Finding Strength in Vulnerability


Today's Topic - Healing Wounds From Childhood

Events from childhood, our first experiences, have the power to shape our lives. Some do immediately, offering us challenges to overcome and encouragement to make use of our talents and interests. In the process, character is built, and we make the first steps upon our personal paths. Some events seem to lay dormant until adulthood when our closest relationships help to bring out the deepest aspects of ourselves. This is when unexamined lessons can be used and neglected childhood wounds make themselves known in a call for healing

Wanda Nordlie is an Amazon Best-Selling Author, Speaker, and Life Coach

Contact Wanda:


[email protected]

Nature's Way Holistic Health Class Schedule

Dr. Jodie MacDonald of Nature's Way Holistic Health with be holding the following classes for the remainder of 2021 beginning on July 15th. Please call 978-476-1184 to Pre-Register as space is limited to 5 per class! 

Dr. Jodie MacDonald Ph.D. HHP. HLC. CNC.CMH.CEW 

Nature's way is here to promote health and wellness and to provide education about your specific health needs. Connecting mind and body for better health.


15th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20


12th Creative Minds Meditation Adult 5:30-7 $25

17th Kitchen Pharmacy 5:30-7 $ 20

19th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20

25th Donna Eden energy 5:30-6:30 $25


15th Intro to Access Bars 6-7 $25

16th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20

22nd intro EFT 6-8 $ 25


13th Intro Quantum Healing 6-7:30 $20

14th Breath workshop 6-7:30 $20

20th Crystals/Grids 5;30-6:30 $25

23th Reiki I 10-2 $125


4th Why Detox 6-7:30 $25

Meet Megan Fisher of Oasis Senior Advisors


 Megan Fisher is Owner and Certified Senior Advisor at Oasis Senior Advisors serving Boston/ South Shore. Megan help elders and their families navigate the senior living/senior care landscape. This is a free service specializing in finding the "best fit" senior care community but also connecting clients to resources that ease the transition or that allow elders to successfully continue at home. 

"As an Oasis Senior Advisor, I am more than a resource, standing alongside you or a loved one on the journey to a living situation that best meets your needs. This is a challenging time; you don’t have to go it alone. We’ll figure it out together." 

What Sets Oasis Apart?

At Oasis, they take a dedicated, one-on-one approach when it comes to senior housing services. Understanding that this transition can be difficult—at any stage of life—which is why they strive to provide the caring support you and your family need.

Going above and beyond by offering:

Upcoming classes from Nature's Way Holistic Health, LLC


Good Day,

With everything opening, I would like to invite you to a couple of upcoming classes, there will only be room for 5 people at a time, so if there is interest, more classes will be scheduled. Pre registration is required for these to ensure we do not over book a class. 

I am giving my Dynamic to Energy class in June. There are 3 spots left. this class will show you how to feel energy and what you can do with it. It is an 8 week class on Tuesday evenings starting at 6. This will be from June 15-Aug 10, there will be no class the week of July 4. The cost is $200, which works out to be $25 per class.

Meet Frank Chilinski, President & Publisher of Stonebridge Press


Stonebridge Press and Salmon Press publish 25 local newspapers and magazines in print and digital, numerous niche products, and social media tie-ins. This combination of relentlessly local news and advertising brings the best in super results to our advertisers, at affordable prices.

In addition to its Massachusetts operations, the company owns the Salmon Press group of weekly newspapers of New Hampshire and also publishes four weekly newspapers in Northeast Connecticut under the name Villager Newspapers. In total, Stonebridge Press, Inc. publishes 25 newspapers reaching over 200,000 households in Massachusetts, Connecticut, and New Hampshire. The company also publishes niche publications, specialty guides, special sections, and websites. All Stonebridge and Salmon products are also available online. Stonebridge Press is headquartered at the historic Southbridge News building, 25 Elm Street, Southbridge.